The biggest adventure you can ever take!
We organize camps, which will change your life!
Enjoy the time of your life in the wild nature of Slovakia,
a gem hidden it the heart of Europe.
Extremely exceptional on the exceptional place.
Strong is the new beautiful, young and healthy.
Let´s discover your inside power in Slovakia with us!
9 national parks * 15,000 km marked hiking and running trail * 10,000 km marked cycling trails * 25 P 2,500+ m peaks * 50 P 2,000+ m peaks * 1,600 mineral springs * 175 lakes * 120 castles * 20 UNESCO monuments
Adventure camp in the amazing mountains of Slovakia. Three days full of running, power workouts, stretching and relaxing, hiking, healthy food, and walking in the forest. Searching for the code of the eternal youth and health in the mountains. Listening to the birds singing and the stream burbling. Relaxing, meditating and observing the sunrays reflecting on the surface of the mountain lakes.
Let´s find more power and bravery with us!
We are two women and we want to help you to become exceptional.
We organize adrenaline camps for the small groups of women, in the amazing, nearly forgotten Slovak mountains. Here we want to share with you the new experiences and life spirit.
You will face difficult situations while hiking and training intensively. At these moments you will find your huge power and energy. You will find out, when you manage the intensive training, you will manage everything in your life.
We want to show you that secret of fulfilment, satisfaction, beauty and youth is in the active way of life.
On our camps you will find your power, bravery, endurance, you will push the envelope.
With your new energy you will become a motivation and inspiration for your entire environment.
Are you with us?
Women who trust us
Skvelý víkend, fantastické líderky a výborná partia dievčat.
Bol to super výlet s fajn ľuďmi.
Thanks very much! It was a wonderful active weekend! Everything was just perfect: the location, the accommodation, the food. They are great, always in a good mood, always full of energy.
I’m a beginner and suddenly I decided to try an active weekend with you. And I don’t regret a single second. It was the best decision! Many many thanks! They are not just trainers and guides, they are good friends and the best motivation I have ever experienced. I have many experiences and new friends. Always my pleasure!
Ďakujem, bolo super!
Gabriela a Valeria, ďakujem! Víkend bol neskutočný, veľmi som si to užila, presne tými „malými“ výzvami som potrebovala prejsť, aby som prekonala moje každodenné výhovorky.
Ďakujem za krásny výlet.
Thank you for this camp, it was perfect!
Vďaka za Váš camp bol parádny. Máte pripravený úžasný koncept, od piatku až do nedele si nepamätám minútu, ktorú by som sa nudila, prípadne robila niečo iné, ako bola s Vami. Navyše ste objednali ideálne počasie a pritiahli partiu skvelých žien. Všetky pripravené aktivity ma nesmierne motivovali a samozrejme nesmiem zabudnúť aj na zakončenia dňa v reštaurácií . Ďakujem Vám a držím palce vo Vašich ďalších aktivitách. Ak bude možnosť, rada si camp s Vami zopakujem.
Úžasná túra, teším sa, že som bola.
Skvelý výber trasy a perfektný koncept, ako si navzájom vymieňať pozitívnu energiu. Ďakujem za príležitosť. Aj nabudúce!
Bola som prvýkrát a konštatujem, že to bolo úžasné. Presne to, čo som potrebovala.
Ako vždy na 1*, úžasné výhľady, úžasní ľudia, úžasné zážitky.
Som rada, že som išla na turistiku s vami, viete, ako to treba robiť, aby ste ľudí spojili, nie odradili.
Gabika a Valeria, robíte to skvele, som rada, že som vás spoznala.
Ďakujem za nádhernú sobotu a ďakujem za to, čo robíte.
Dievčatá, ja som prišla domov taká krásne zablatená, ale so zážitkami.
Thank you for being you.
Cítim sa s vami veľmi bezpečne.
Dear Gabriela and Valeria, it was really a special experience! Surprises, wonderful program, delicious food, and very professional guiding and coaching! I recommend this camp to every single woman!
I am so grateful to find you.
Thanks for valuable advice! Although I’m very active, the weekend with you gave me the show a new perspective. They are not only great coaches, but also admirable women.
Super túra, a práve takéto udalosti, o ktorých premýšľaš, či vôbec pôjdeš zostanú najdlhšie v pamäti. Terén, ktorý ma zložil dole a tá rýchlosť, akou som hneď vstala. Top sobota.
Thank you for your support. I did it!
Thank you! Amazing weekend! You really motivated me, I go swimming right now.
I enjoyed a lot the time with us. I really cleared my mind. Thank you for everything you do.
It was a wonderful weekend! Dynamic, relaxing, culinary, fantastic! Thank you again for a perfect camp!
I feel stronger and motivated! Today wellness, tomorrow running! Thank you for wonderful weekend with you!
They are great! They motivate, support and help to recharge the life batteries! They are energetic and spending the weekend with you was an extraordinary experience for me.